Ahri's unqualified thoughts #4
Random articles, quotes, videos, musings. Easy to consume content: 1 quote, 1 tweet/storm, and 1 article/video.
In today’s edition, I’m going to share a tweetstorm about myths & misconceptions about monetary systems, and an article serving as an intro to NFTs.
1 quote
"Telling effective stories isn't easy. The difficulty lies not in telling the story, but in convincing everyone else to believe it" Yuval Noah Harari - Sapiens
1 tweet/storm
In this thread, Jon talks about the monetary system. I’ll admit I didn’t get everything even after reading it 3 times. Will probably have to read it again, and try to understand other concepts. I realized lack year that I was terribly lacking when it came down to macro-economy, trying to fix that.
1 article/video
's complete NFT Introduction is an excellent primer about NFTs, their culture, their uses, etc.If you liked this content, bls click below & share it with your friends and family so I can pay college for my cat, and kids.